Fiesta de Taos, Inc.
2018 Taos Fiesta Council

Back Row (L to R): Isabel Chacon (Auxiliary); Thelma Montez, Vice President; Charles Lane (Auxiliary); Joseph Quintana, Treasurer; Annabelle Garcia-Noga; Marlene Rael (Auxiliary).
Front Row (L to R): Bernadette Trujillo; Renee Medina Lavadie; Anna Herrera, President; Elma Vigil; Christine Barela, Secretary.
Not Pictured: Kathleen Branchal, Immediate Past President; Hon. Judith ‘Judi’ Cantu; Tina Jo Martinez; Manuel Medina; Helio Sanchez; Hon. Don Francisco Trujillo II; Theresa Trujillo; Auxiliary Members: Christina Rose Martinez; Donna Jo Martinez; Durin McCash; Celsa Vigil; Patrick Vigil; Sonya Vigil-Torres; and, Wilbert Vigil.
Photo by Chuck McLaughlin of Sean Kelly Portraits – Taos, NM